Jungle Invaders

A poor monkey who has been separated from it's troop in the jungle finds  itself having to fight off human poachers trying to catch him. The monkey is out numbered and to small to use physical force against the poachers. The only way to defend himself is to throw banana's at the poachers. 


Sam: Level Designer/ Programmer 

Leo: Programmer/ Level Design 

Yasub: UI/UX

Mason: 3D Artist 

How to play?

Playing as the monkey you can kill the poachers by throwing and hitting them with  a banana boomerang. Kill a certain amount of poachers and you move on the next level. You have 3 lives and if you collide or get shot by a poacher you lose a life. Player must beat all three levels to win the game. 

Game features

Player movement and attack - WASD to move around and C to throw banana boomerang. 

2 different enemies - If you get hit by a poacher or get shot by their projectile you lose 1 life. 

All art was made by Mason. 

UI for main and pause menu, next level, player death, and player victory. 

Published 3 days ago
Authorsgaddamit, stooky86

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